Perhaps a NY Politician can be entrusted to have a Special Counsel appointed by making a case that the DA of NY is operating under a consealed Stand Down Order. To Whom in the State of NY Assembly would be open to this matter? Perhaps Bobbie Cox, Esq has suggestions how to reach certain politicians.

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I think you are right! I will reach out again to Bobby Cox. Thank you Kathleen

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I just now restacked on Notes an article just written by the very famous and renowned classic Professional Reporter named, Seymour Hersch. This man has a heart and may take an interest in your story as Dr. Naomi Wolf has already based on your latest very heartfelt interview with her. Eventually, someone like Tucker Carlson may get involved so that this important story about your daughter is known worldwide.

Still praying💞

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Thank you, Kathleen. God is hearing the prayers of His people. Something will and must happen!

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Aug 1Liked by Rebecca Charles

It is sickening to see how government runs interference for malfeasance and criminal activities committed by "the right" (i.e., rich and powerful) perpetrators. The pharmaco-medical-industrial complex is protected by its government accomplice.

God bless your mission in continuing to pursue accountability and justice, Rebecca. Truth and righteousness and light will always ultimately be victorious over lies and evil and darkness. Sweet Danielle smiles on her beautiful mother from Heaven.

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Thank you, I have to fight for my daughter, she is still my child until I die.

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Aug 1Liked by Rebecca Charles

And she'll still be your child after you die, too, Rebecca... always and forever.

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You are right, we will be together again.

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Aug 2Liked by Rebecca Charles

KEEP FIGHTING!!! And dig into that bullshit "prep act." It's being used to keep people who pushed "protocol" free of any liability. It's slowly being exposed.

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Aug 1Liked by Rebecca Charles

Their response is shameful. Please let us all know what we can do to help you with this.

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Thank you Bretigne, I will be writing a Petition demanding a grand jury investigation into the killing of my Danielle.

In the mean time, I ask for everyone to call the DA office requesting an investigation into the fraud and homicide/killing of Danielle Alvarez in Northwell Health Glen Cove Hospital NY

516- 571-3505

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Aug 1Liked by Rebecca Charles

On it!

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Aug 1Liked by Rebecca Charles

Very well written. Keep holding them accountable to do their jobs.

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Aug 1Liked by Rebecca Charles

Their jobs are to murder people. A psychopath can never be sane and/trustworthy. Professional doctors for hire, to kill.

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Everyone being killed in Northwell, their blood is on their hands

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Aug 2Liked by Rebecca Charles

My deepest sympathies on the loss of your daughter. I pray you get the resolution you desire.

Thank you so much for Pershing this in a legal capacity. As a former medical professional, I applaud you for holding those responsible accountable. Too often these things are covered up & civil court is the only compensation families have. Which never makes the impact it should, as I’m sure you know.

My thoughts & prayers are with you for the duration of this tragic loss. May God be with you!

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Thank you, Tina,

People ever wonder why malpractice insurance is so expensive? Well, it’s because doctors, nurses and hospitals like Northwell Health Glen Cove in NY, do keep covering for their intentional, willful action s

If doctors and nurses effectively treated patients, we'd likely witness a significant drop in insurance rates and a pause in hospital expansions. Instead, we are seeing new hospital constructions, raising concerns about the future of healthcare.

While money cannot bring back my child, my mission is to hold these doctors accountable to the public and on social media and ensure that they face justice.

This is America, where we have the best and most advanced machines and medicine, yet I lost my only child over a cough! I walked my daughter to the hospital, and she came out in a body bag due to multiple organ failure. No one could convince me this wasn’t the first time, homicide for profit.

We invested in Danielle's Cigna PPO, but what our insurance paid in return was shocking—$648,571 in blood money! I refuse to stay silent on this issue! Too many were killed in the US 1.2 million in 39 months. America was #1 in the world with deaths from covid.

It's time to expose the killers and uplift the dedicated doctors who truly care for and heal their patients.


Death by Hospital Protocol App for iPhone and Android

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Aug 3Liked by Rebecca Charles

I’ve actually quit working at a hospital who covered up the brain death of a young man due to medical incompetence. I couldn’t go to work for a facility that would do that. I felt so sorry for the family who, unlike you, were clueless.

Sadly this type of thing happens daily & was rampant during COVID, especially in NY. If you get a conviction I hope you go after the government, the AMA, the CDC & all other governing medical bodies. If you started a class-action lawsuit I bet thousands of ppl would join in!!

I’m afraid it will take someone like you to spearhead a massive legal battle before ppl will change. Unfortunately it’s about the all mighty buck rather than patient care.

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Tina, you’re human that is why you took a stand for what is right! It’s heartbreaking to see people who pretend to be doctors and nurses act in such inhumane ways. They take lives, only to return and do it all over again. It’s a grim reality that justice through class action can take over a decade!

We must shine a light on this darkness, as we are at a critical juncture that demands advocacy for change!

That's exactly why I launched my website, www.deathbyhospitalprotocol.com, along with the Death by Hospital Protocol app! This platform is designed to hold those responsible accountable on social media or their actions against patients. Envision a future where we possess a comprehensive database of offenders, guiding us toward justice. Together, we have the potential to effect meaningful change, with the App, you can write what you witness and hide your profile. This will save lives.

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Aug 2Liked by Rebecca Charles

The DAs office is trying to discourage you. They won’t even say specifically “who” made the decision in the letter to you. Death by hospital protocol was foul play by design, AND THEY KNOW IT!! Keep pushing the issue. They can’t hide forever. Spread it far and wide. Write to Tucker so he can have both you and Grace’s rep interview. Get on as many news podcasts/shows as possible. Contact CHD (Naomi sponsor) and Liberty Counsel or America First Legal. RFK Jr. through CHD might be willing to advise.

Might also want to meet with FL AG since you no longer reside in NY. She may help to provide you some additional insight on the issue moving forward.

FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!!! NY wants to sweep this medical criminality under the rug. They made a lot of money and want to avoid any further negative attention or accountability.

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Thank you, I was interviewed me on Monday, by Dr.Wolf

I could not handle many interviews before, now I am ready to tell all. If you know anyone who wants to interview me please let me know.

Dr. Margaret Aranda and Charles Wright followed with their Substack




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Aug 3Liked by Rebecca Charles

Yes...saw your interview with Naomi. Naomi has a far reach with many connections (like Warroom). Seek out advice from the legal connections. Make your voice heard. Lindell TV’s Emerald Robinson might be willing to interview.

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Thank you, I hope people who see it will also, connect me. It is a very important story, I have all the evidence and the DA is not doing anything.

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Aug 2·edited Aug 2Liked by Rebecca Charles

I think it significant that the District Attorney, Anne Donnelly, was educated at Fordham University and Fordham Law School. My understanding is that Fordham is the main Jesuit center in the US. I was reading a paper by a guy named Phelps who delves a lot into history. According to him,Jesuits consider Protestants heretics and have a mission to exterminate them from the earth.


You can read the oath they take.


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That is correct ! She also, has a special needs child, of all people she should care.

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Good for you! Keep fighting! This is SO unacceptable!

I love all the suggestions here, and deeply appreciate your readers who have taken the time to support you!

Such love! ❤️ Amazing support! 🙌

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Is Glen Cove Hospital in Nassau County? The Sixth Amendment states, "In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed." The wording understands that prosecutions occur in the same district. The DA can't play hot potato with this!

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Yes, Glen Cove, is in Nassau County NY.

They have been since, January.

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