Aug 28Liked by Rebecca Charles

I'm so glad you're naming names.

I'm sorry your heart is broken.

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Yes, Katherine, everyone needs to know who they are. Thank you for your support.

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Aug 28Liked by Rebecca Charles

Your pain is our pain now. Those pre- set hospital protocols were followed by the medical people blindly. So sorry for your loss- our loss too of the future your daughter could have had a great contribution. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. Keep shining your Light!

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Thank you, Jane. Yes, we need to keep shining a light on the darkness in this country.

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Aug 28·edited Aug 28Liked by Rebecca Charles

Rebecca Charles, my heart breaks for you. Your documenting this is so very important for so many people.

For anyone reading this who is new to the topic, I know it's hard to believe at first, but there are an absolutely astounding number of very similar stories, and once you've read more than three or four of them, you start to realize, on my Lord, this really is happening, the hospitals really have been murdering patients for money. My first encounter with this subject was in 2021, watching the testimony of veteran pulmonary nurse Albert Spence before the South Carolina State Senate on YouTube. I transcribed it because I realized it was important, hidden deep within a very long video of several other testimonies, and I guessed that, since it criticized the government's "covid narrative" it would be quickly censored— and it was indeed removed from YouTube, however, soon afterwards, then Spence's testimony as a clip popped up on Bitchute. You can read that transcript (includes a link to the Bitchute video) at https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/10261.html

My second most eye-opening encounter with the subject was about a year later when I came across the Kissimmee, FL Press Conference: Your Story Counts — The Untold Atrocities of COVID-19, October 13, 2022


I transcribed a few of those testimonies, including some by a lawyer and doctors, and subsequently some others which you can find on my site, if video isn't your thing.

And for many, many, many more testimonies, if you haven't already, be sure to have a look at the now massive COVID 19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project at https://chbmp.org/

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Thank you, I CANNOT BE SILENT! There are many of these groups, I will write about one day, documenting everything. They are many heartless people out there for fame and money. They don’t give a shit about us.

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Aug 28Liked by Rebecca Charles

I am so disturbed about how health care workers were just blindly following protocols even though they could see that they were not helping. I cannot comprehend that level of subservience , no challence and robotic like behavior. I am feeling your pain. All I can say is that this has been a spiritual warfare and current systems will have to fall. I pray for justice for your dear child . I genuinely admire your preservation and dedication to fight for your cause .

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Thank you! Yes, it's truly spiritually demonic. We’re dealing with individuals of a reprobate mind—heartless and unfit to work in a hospital. They are getting away with murder! Anyone can become a victim if they're unaware of the darkness that lurks behind hospital doors. Not one of the freedom fighters wants to step up and fight for my child, they all want money. It's time to shed light on this issue and protect those who seek care.

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Aug 31Liked by Rebecca Charles

They weren't just blindly following orders. They LIED about her having sepsis to admit her into the hospital, then they Purpiselt overdosed her with fentanyl to kill her.

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Yes, she was targeted, because my daughter was special needs.

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Aug 28Liked by Rebecca Charles

Thank you Rebecca, for sharing some of the personal Hell you, Danielle and countless others were unnecessarily and surreptitiously forced to endure. You are in my thoughts and prayers daily. Godspeed with your legal response!

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Thank you, JR. I pray that these evil doctors, and nurses will be on trial one day for the KILLING of my Danielle

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Aug 28Liked by Rebecca Charles


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Praying for you and your family forever

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Aug 29Liked by Rebecca Charles

You're in my prayers. Let us know how your case is going. I haven't been keeping up with my reading lately, so I'll look to see if I missed something. Love to You and Yours:)

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Thank you, Jewell, I am still waiting on an attorney to step up and help represent my daughter’s case.

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Aug 31Liked by Rebecca Charles

Dear Rebecca, I have been pleading your case on Sage's stack. I hope it comes to fruition. I think danielke's treatment falls way outside the "legal hospital protocols " and I stated that you are providing the day by day actions by the hospital and Drs, so someone can give this to a lawyer to look at. The fact that they lied about her having sepsis as the beginning of her treatment is key, I believe. And overdosing her with the powerful sedatives, another. Praying that this will help you find a lawyer. I told people to contact you thru your substack. God Bless You and keep you strong:)

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Thank you, Jewell. It's disheartening that those with the power to fight chose not to. It's crucial for me to document as much as possible to reveal how our esteemed American politicians permitted the killing of their own citizens by the "White Coat Assassins". I hope someone will take action to hold those responsible accountable—whether in court or through a documentary that reveals their names and faces in the global media. Perhaps this is what it will take to ensure these killers are held to justice.

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Aug 31Liked by Rebecca Charles

Yes I hope and pray so too. A few comments on my comments are saying that their "protocols: are protected, but I replied that Danielle's treatment went outside the protocols by lying about sepsis to put her in the hospital to begin with, plus extraordinary and abusive treatments not under the protocols protections. So display all those actions on your stack with the wording and documentation proving that, in case a lawyer or people who know a lawyer can see.

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Danielle's toxicology report reveals alarmingly high levels of Fentanyl, surpassing even those found in George Floyd's case. This revelations should serve as a wake-up call about what happened to my Danielle. It shines a spotlight on the deliberate and willful actions of the doctor and nurse involved. Everyone who refused my daughter’s case will have to answer to the Almighty God. Every one of these freedom fighters have turned my case away because of money.

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I just posted on sage's substack in the comments, for anyone who knows a lawyer in NY to contact you via your substack. I've mentioned you before, there, and this time I said you definitely have All the receipts for a winning case! And to make a difference for so many people by creating a precedence for all time! Praying for this to be successful for you:)

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Aug 28Liked by Rebecca Charles

You should contact Dr. Jane Ruby. Perhaps she would have you at her show. Her email is drjaneruby@protonmail.com

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Thank you, she already knows my story from twitter.

I will write to her again, send my App again.

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Aug 31Liked by Rebecca Charles

The one that gave you information

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Aug 31Liked by Rebecca Charles

And any nurse's witness testimonies you can get.

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This is why I had the App built, to expose everyone and whistleblowers can go on and tell what they saw.

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Aug 31Liked by Rebecca Charles

You've done a great thing:) thank you so much!

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Aug 31Liked by Rebecca Charles

Yes, using IV and patches! Get your documentation and post it in case someone wants to pursue any part of it. The lies, no test result for sepsis, over sedating her, etc.

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Yes, as hard as it is to go over the details, I am compelled to keep exposing the evil that was done to my daughter. Fentanyl patch is one every 72 hours, Danielle sometimes had 2 per day, plus Fentanyl IV and Fentanyl injections. They were keeping her alive to torture, and poison her by overdosing my Danielle.

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Aug 31Liked by Rebecca Charles

I'm so sorry, I can't imagine having to do this. You take time out for yourself, every day! Smell the flowers, go swimming. Nature is there to help you:) call upon her healing power, and for strength. Love is all around you:)

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Thank you, Jewells.

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Aug 28Liked by Rebecca Charles

Dear Rebecca, I have a question. Since Danielle was having a relentless cough and we know those initial covid strains were causing lot of inflammation in the lungs , was she given any steroids to reduce inflammation or antibiotics to address any lung infection. I am sorry I cannot recall what you wrote in the past about her medications.

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Aug 29Liked by Rebecca Charles

I feel like the healthcare workers were under a trance. Those med sheets you posted were meds were mainly for nausea and vomiting. I don’t see the need for fentanyl and we all know that remdesivir has renal side effects. It still ceases to amaze me that this corruption of the covid protocols is not being addressed and most of the awareness is of vaccine injuries. But it was the failed protocols that resulted in negative outcomes and generated fear that made the basis for them to rush a vaccine when there was never a need to do so . Have you reached out to the FLCCC or America front line doctors (AFLDS) groups to see they could connect you with an ethical attorney?

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My post will be documenting each day. The Fentanyl did not start until my daughter went on the ventilator with 96% oxygen. In my earlier Substack you can find the drug that was ordered, who administered it, over ride it, what times and their names. each day, hour,

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Aug 29Liked by Rebecca Charles

I will look through the earlier substack . God bless .

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We gave her a Z-pack home, and another medication along with high level of Vitamins, C, D, and so much more. I will post the Medical records.

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I am in tears right now because this is so sad and I sense your pain. That was horrible what happened to you and your daughter. No one should never go through that. Shame on the hospital staff and shame on New York for not doing anything about it. Labeling a patient as retarded is bad enough, because she is human and that means taking care of her as if she’s your own child. Life is hard but harder when you’re stupid.

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Thank you, Cynthia, for your compassion and for truly understanding my pain. I’m sharing this not just to raise awareness, but to highlight the lack of justice in our system. After speaking with 90 attorneys, I've been turned away simply because my daughter had special needs and lacked a family to support or employment. Despite volunteering for eight years, serving breakfast and lunch to the elderly at Sunrise Assisted Living, her contributions seem to have gone unnoticed.

Achieving justice often hinges on financial incentives. If attorneys don’t see a big payout, many won't take on your case. Even when the evidence is clear—like my child TOXICOLOGY REPORT HAD MORE FENTANYL than George Floyd—prosecutors seem unwilling to investigate.

Only a compassionate human can truly grasp the tragedy that has unfolded—a life lost deliberately for the sake of blood money.

We need to shine a light on these injustices and demand accountability! Please share my Danielle story.

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Aug 29Liked by Rebecca Charles

Even Erin Brockovich was a whistleblower for the payday. Sickening truth.

I know what you are going through in trying to get someone with the legal expertise to help you and I pray God answers this call for you.

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Thank you, I need justice for the killing of my child, and most importantly, to hold these killers accountable for their crimes, and never have them touch another human again.

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Thank you,everyone knows what happened to my child. I have been involved since April 22 with different groups.

I tried to reach Kory, and no one had his forwarding information. I tweeted him while my daughter was still in the hospital and he never responded.

I wish I never ever used the pulse ox. My daughter's cough and he oxygen reading scared me.

But it was formalin the ER.

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Aug 31Liked by Rebecca Charles

Do Not Trust Kory

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I do not! He and many in his crew are all part of this! Lies, Lies, Lies, I reached out to Kory when my daughter was in the hospital and no one had his contact info, I tweeted him and he never responded.

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Dear Rebecca, even though I have read about your horrific experience with your living daughter before, when I read it as a day by day diary a cold sweat just comes over me. Please be strong for all of us. This could and did happen to anyone and everyone who innocently took their loved one in to be cared for. We didn’t know to look for darkness. In the last few years, I have recognized a difference in the hospital ‘atmosphere’ just in visiting and one ER experience. Not nice. I notice that they put a sign up in the ER waiting area that says in huge letters- WE CARE. Hmm, why would ‘have’ to put that up? Propaganda and/or pushback. They know trust is gone. Will be praying for you for all that you need, you get. 🙏

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